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Resignation of Rosie Duffield from the Labour Party

I am sure you are all as dismayed and disappointed as I was to learn of the resignation of our Labour MP Rosie Duffield. I know how many of you worked so hard during the election campaign to elect a Labour MP in this constituency and the continuing support you gave to our MP during her eight years as the Labour MP for Canterbury, Whitstable and the villages.

We are pulling together as a party to come to terms with this situation. We are still able to celebrate the new Labour MPs across Kent as well as the Labour-led Council in Canterbury.

Looking ahead we will be working to elect Labour KCC Councillors in May, and I hope I can count on your continued support in this campaign.

Valerie Kenny
Chair Canterbury Constituency Labour Party
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So very disappointed, but so glad Labour has a majority of councillors in Canterbury City Council, the constituency is clearly Labour, even if the MP no longer thinks it is.

If only there had been any warning that she didn’t care a jot about the voters of Canterbury at anytime before the election. If only someone had said “she only cares about stroking her own ego”. If only she had been held to account for her grotesque views. And now we’re stuck with her squatting in the seat, taking her handsome salary, accountable to no one. I hope she has a nice time kicking her feet up in Wales, while the voters of Canterbury have no representation. Well done Canterbury Labour Party. Thank you for this, take a bow.

Thank you Valerie Kenny I am so disappointed but, as you state we need to regroup and get organised for the KCC elections

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A statement from your Labour councillors in Canterbury City Council regarding recent events:

We will always stand up to those who seek to spread hatred, division and fear.

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it’s all over the BBC website again and I’m disappointed in him representing the working man and he can’t afford to buy his own clothes. Also accepted clothes donations for his wife. I’m on a paltry state pension but I’d rather starve than accept donations to cloth myself and my wife

I am disgusted by Starmers accepting clothes worth 16 thousand pounds

What an incredible time last night!

Labour members from Canterbury, Whitstable, Herne Bay, Folkestone, Dover, Deal and East Thanet came together to celebrate FIVE Labour MPs in East Kent! 🌹

It was great to come together in celebration and cooperation. Here's to the next one 🍻

This is just the start of a deeper connection and tie of cooperation between our CLPs.

We love East Kent, and we will work together to ensure we in Labour can deliver for people in our county.

We are much stronger together than we ever are apart ✊️
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What an incredible time last night!

Labour members from Canterbury, Whitstable, Herne Bay, Folkestone, Dover, Deal and East Thanet came together to celebrate FIVE Labour MPs in East Kent! 🌹

It was great to come together in celebration and cooperation. Heres to the next one 🍻

This is just the start of a deeper connection and tie of cooperation between our CLPs. 

We love East Kent, and we will work together to ensure we in Labour can deliver for people in our county.

We are much stronger together than we ever are apart ✊️

Change doesn’t happen without you voting for it. Let’s set this country on a new path - there are challenges ahead but with your support we can do this ... See MoreSee Less

Change doesn’t happen without you voting for it. Let’s set this country on a new path - there are challenges ahead but with your support we can do this

Over the last few days our teams of leafletters have been pounding the streets, explaining why this country needs a new government come Thursday. A huge thanks to all of them. Show your support and help Relect Rosie Duffield for Canterbury ... See MoreSee Less

Over the last few days our teams of leafletters have been pounding the streets, explaining why this country needs a new government come Thursday. A huge thanks to all of them. Show your support and help Relect Rosie Duffield for CanterburyImage attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

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I see Rosie has really inspired the youth vote this year. Nice umbrella, by the way. Really sending out a signal.

#vote Rosie #Re elect Rosie

#ReelectRosie🌹 #VoteRosie

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Time to change this government! Let's do our bit in Canterbury - #ReelectRosie 🌹 ... See MoreSee Less

Time to change this government! Lets do our bit in Canterbury - #ReelectRosie 🌹

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Ooh... three likes in one hour twenty minutes!

Amazing 👇👇👇 ... See MoreSee Less

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No dogs were harmed in this mornings Tankerton Street Stall 😉 ... See MoreSee Less

No dogs were harmed in this mornings Tankerton Street Stall ;)Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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My dog has been working hard.

She was definitely sleeping, dogs are easily bored with politics.

Typical sighthound 🤣🥰

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