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I’m very grateful to retired midwife Jane for her endorsement. The need for improved standards and support for local maternity services will continue to be at the forefront of my work in Westminster if you re-elect me as your MP next week.

Childbirth should not be something women fear or look back on with trauma. That’s why Labour will ensure that hospital trusts failing on maternity care are robustly supported into rapid improvement.
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I’m very grateful to retired midwife Jane for her endorsement. The need for improved standards and support for local maternity services will continue to be at the forefront of my work in Westminster if you re-elect me as your MP next week. 

Childbirth should not be something women fear or look back on with trauma. That’s why Labour will ensure that hospital trusts failing on maternity care are robustly supported into rapid improvement.

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#ReelectRosie🌹 #VoteRosie

Labour founded our National Health Service, and for decades it has served us well. But the NHS is now clearly broken. Whilst the pandemic placed the NHS under unprecedented stress, the reality is waiting lists were already at record highs. The Conservatives have continually reached for sticking plaster solutions to the problems facing the NHS, without ever addressing the root causes.

Labour’s mission is to build an NHS fit for the future. Investment alone won’t be enough to tackle the problems facing the NHS; it must go hand in hand with fundamental reform. We must change the NHS so that it becomes not just a sickness service, but able to prevent ill heath in the first place.

It must also reflect the change in the nature of disease, with a greater focus on the management of chronic, long-term conditions. And we will deliver a renewed drive to tackle the biggest killers; cutting the lives lost to cancer, cardiovascular disease and suicide, while ensuring people live well for longer.
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Labour founded our National Health Service, and for decades it has served us well. But the NHS is now clearly broken. Whilst the pandemic placed the NHS under unprecedented stress, the reality is waiting lists were already at record highs. The Conservatives have continually reached for sticking plaster solutions to the problems facing the NHS, without ever addressing the root causes.

Labour’s mission is to build an NHS fit for the future. Investment alone won’t be enough to tackle the problems facing the NHS; it must go hand in hand with fundamental reform. We must change the NHS so that it becomes not just a sickness service, but able to prevent ill heath in the first place. 

It must also reflect the change in the nature of disease, with a greater focus on the management of chronic, long-term conditions. And we will deliver a renewed drive to tackle the biggest killers; cutting the lives lost to cancer, cardiovascular disease and suicide, while ensuring people live well for longer.Image attachmentImage attachment

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#ReElectRosie🌹 #VoteRosie

#ReElectRosie🌹 #VoteRosie

Too many patients in our local hospitals are left waiting for hours, often in pain and misery, before they can be taken for vital scans.

The NHS has fewer diagnostic scanners per person than other countries, with many ageing machines operating long after they should. State of the art scanners are faster and more effective, saving lives in the process.

That’s why Labour will introduce a new ‘Fit For the Future’ fund to double the number of CT and MRI scanners in our hospitals, allowing the NHS to catch cancer and other conditions much earlier.
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Too many patients in our local hospitals are left waiting for hours, often in pain and misery, before they can be taken for vital scans. 

The NHS has fewer diagnostic scanners per person than other countries, with many ageing machines operating long after they should. State of the art scanners are faster and more effective, saving lives in the process.

That’s why Labour will introduce a new ‘Fit For the Future’ fund to double the number of CT and MRI scanners in our hospitals, allowing the NHS to catch cancer and other conditions much earlier.

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I had to wait five months for a physio appointment #ReelectRosie #VoteLabour #VoteRosie

Would be nice just to have a hospital...

#ReElectRosie 🌹 #VoteRosie

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Today, junior doctors in East Kent and across the country are taking industrial action. It’s clear that these strikes are only taking place because of a continued failure from ministers to get around the negotiating table with the British Medical Association to try and end the dispute.

Strikes are always a last resort, and it’s clear that junior doctors would much rather be treating patients than standing on a picket line. But against the backdrop of the fastest fall in real-wages on record, they need fair pay for a fair day’s work, and I completely understand the strength of feeling.

Instead of trying to blame striking health workers for the rise in waiting lists – which have continued to rise even when no staff have been on strike – ministers should have been negotiating a resolution to put patients and staff first. That’s why an incoming Labour government will sit down with junior doctors straight away, so we can negotiate an end to these strikes once and for all.
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Today, junior doctors in East Kent and across the country are taking industrial action. It’s clear that these strikes are only taking place because of a continued failure from ministers to get around the negotiating table with the British Medical Association to try and end the dispute. 

Strikes are always a last resort, and it’s clear that junior doctors would much rather be treating patients than standing on a picket line. But against the backdrop of the fastest fall in real-wages on record, they need fair pay for a fair day’s work, and I completely understand the strength of feeling.

Instead of trying to blame striking health workers for the rise in waiting lists – which have continued to rise even when no staff have been on strike – ministers should have been negotiating a resolution to put patients and staff first. That’s why an incoming Labour government will sit down with junior doctors straight away, so we can negotiate an end to these strikes once and for all.

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My daughter is a farm vet and earns more than junior doctors. Doctors need pay restoration or more will leave for Australia.

There is no point whatsoever at this point in striking as no party can negotiate pre election. A disgrace!

So would you give them 35%

In the last parliament, I co-chaired a landmark cross-party parliamentary inquiry into birth trauma, which recently launched our report, working with the Birth Trauma Association.

We found that too many mothers and their families have been left with terrible physical and psychological consequences as a result of traumatic births, and we want to end the taboo that keeps these stories hidden. The Government accepted our recommendations, including the need for better maternity standards, an end to the ‘postcode lottery’, and a new Maternity Commissioner to improve healthcare for mothers and their babies. The Secretary of State also incorporated birth trauma into the Women’s Health Strategy.

Locally, I’ve worked with health ministers and affected local families following the publication of Dr Bill Kirkup’s report into East Kent Hospitals maternity services. Some have been through so much, and we owe it to them to ensure that Government continues to work with the Hospital Trust to transform maternity care in East Kent.
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In the last parliament, I co-chaired a landmark cross-party parliamentary inquiry into birth trauma, which recently launched our report, working with the Birth Trauma Association.

We found that too many mothers and their families have been left with terrible physical and psychological consequences as a result of traumatic births, and we want to end the taboo that keeps these stories hidden. The Government accepted our recommendations, including the need for better maternity standards, an end to the ‘postcode lottery’, and a new Maternity Commissioner to improve healthcare for mothers and their babies. The Secretary of State also incorporated birth trauma into the Women’s Health Strategy.
Locally, I’ve worked with health ministers and affected local families following the publication of Dr Bill Kirkup’s report into East Kent Hospitals maternity services. Some have been through so much, and we owe it to them to ensure that Government continues to work with the Hospital Trust to transform maternity care in East Kent.

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Vote Rosie 🌹

My mum 56yrs ago suffered great trauma during my birth all these recent stories have brought it all back to her.she didnt feel she had a voice 56yrs ago to speak about the trauma

How do I get the re-elect Rosie Duffield for Canterbury boards that I’ve seen in the area? Asked via campaign page but no answer

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The NHS is on its knees. 7.5 million people are stuck on waiting lists, often in pain and misery. Labour will tackle this urgent crisis and get our NHS back on its feet by delivering more operations, appointments and diagnostic tests during the evening and at weekends.

We’ll do this by paying staff extra to do additional shifts out of hours. This will get people the treatment they desperately need, save the taxpayer money, and allow us to focus on reforming the NHS to make it fit for the future.

Five years ago, the Tories promised us a new hospital in Canterbury, but we’re further from delivery than ever. Ministers have ignored repeated bids for critical capital investment into local health services. We deserve better than pre-war infrastructure and fragmented services, and I will continue to fight for what we need, located close to home.

Labour will build an NHS fit for the future with these first steps:
• Cut NHS waiting times with 40,000 more appointments every week
• Double the number of cancer scanners
• A new Dentistry Rescue Plan
• 8,500 additional mental health staff
• The return of the family doctor
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The NHS is on its knees. 7.5 million people are stuck on waiting lists, often in pain and misery. Labour will tackle this urgent crisis and get our NHS back on its feet by delivering more operations, appointments and diagnostic tests during the evening and at weekends.

We’ll do this by paying staff extra to do additional shifts out of hours. This will get people the treatment they desperately need, save the taxpayer money, and allow us to focus on reforming the NHS to make it fit for the future. 

Five years ago, the Tories promised us a new hospital in Canterbury, but we’re further from delivery than ever. Ministers have ignored repeated bids for critical capital investment into local health services. We deserve better than pre-war infrastructure and fragmented services, and I will continue to fight for what we need, located close to home.

Labour will build an NHS fit for the future with these first steps:
• Cut NHS waiting times with 40,000 more appointments every week
• Double the number of cancer scanners
• A new Dentistry Rescue Plan
• 8,500 additional mental health staff
• The return of the family doctor

10 CommentsComment on Facebook

The NHS is more than just Doctors and Nurses. We need post Hospital care, Occupational Therapist, Physio Therapist, Community Nurses and all the other wonderful people who work to keep us both physically and mentally healthy.

Dear Rosie Duffield With respect how does this save the taxpayers pounds? "We’ll do this by paying staff extra to do additional shifts out of hours. This will get people the treatment they desperately need, save the taxpayer money, and allow us to focus on reforming the NHS to make it fit for the future."

In a league table of per capita combined health service spending by country (public and private) we are near the top, but much further down when you look at results. In other words the NHS is expensive and inefficient. I don't see any policy, labour or conservative, which will reverse that.

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The climate and nature crisis is the greatest long-term global challenge that we face. The clean energy transition represents a huge opportunity to generate growth, tackle the cost-of-living crisis, and make Britain energy independent once again. That’s why clean energy by 2030 is Labour’s mission.

Britain can be a clean energy superpower. Labour will set up Great Britain Energy and deliver our Green Prosperity Plan to invest in the industries of the future, creating 650,000 jobs by 2030. We’ll also invest in home insulation upgrades for millions, to save families hundreds of pounds on their energy bills.

Labour will tackle the nature emergency, clean up our rivers and seas, improve access to nature, promote biodiversity, and protect our landscapes and wildlife.
Only a vote for Labour on 4th July will deliver British energy security and protect our precious natural environment.
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The climate and nature crisis is the greatest long-term global challenge that we face. The clean energy transition represents a huge opportunity to generate growth, tackle the cost-of-living crisis, and make Britain energy independent once again. That’s why clean energy by 2030 is Labour’s mission.

Britain can be a clean energy superpower. Labour will set up Great Britain Energy and deliver our Green Prosperity Plan to invest in the industries of the future, creating 650,000 jobs by 2030. We’ll also invest in home insulation upgrades for millions, to save families hundreds of pounds on their energy bills.

Labour will tackle the nature emergency, clean up our rivers and seas, improve access to nature, promote biodiversity, and protect our landscapes and wildlife.
Only a vote for Labour on 4th July will deliver British energy security and protect our precious natural environment.

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#relectrosie 🌹

#ReElectRosie🌹 #VoteRosie

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This interview is based on questions submitted to me in response to our invitation. Many thanks to Michael Prowse for posing the questions. Hopefully it will help to inform your decision in this General Election. ... See MoreSee Less

Video image

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Nothing about VAT on school fees or those that use the system due to inadequate availability of state school places or the need for more support due to SEN

#ReelectRosie🌹 #VoteRosie

As a member of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs committee since 2020, I’ve been part of a number of landmark inquiries covering a range of topics, and I’ve been proud to be the voice of the Garden of England on the committee.

We live in such a beautiful place, with its own particular challenges, and if re-elected then I want to continue this important work, including on:

- the growing issue of mental health in rural communities,
- the need for better food labelling,
- improving pet welfare and cracking down on pet smuggling
- addressing the impact of trade deals on exports and food supply chains,
- investing in and protection of our precious green spaces,
- sustainable farm practices and protecting soil health,
- the effect of species reintroduction and improving biodiversity,
- holding failing water companies to account,
- championing our local fishing industry, and
- urging the Government to act to tackle the labour shortage in British agriculture and horticulture.

I’ll continue to meet regularly with local food and drink producers, conservationists, and campaigners and put their questions directly to DEFRA ministers and civil servants.
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As a member of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs committee since 2020, I’ve been part of a number of landmark inquiries covering a range of topics, and I’ve been proud to be the voice of the Garden of England on the committee. 

We live in such a beautiful place, with its own particular challenges, and if re-elected then I want to continue this important work, including on:

- the growing issue of mental health in rural communities, 
- the need for better food labelling, 
- improving pet welfare and cracking down on pet smuggling
- addressing the impact of trade deals on exports and food supply chains, 
- investing in and protection of our precious green spaces, 
- sustainable farm practices and protecting soil health, 
- the effect of species reintroduction and improving biodiversity, 
- holding failing water companies to account, 
- championing our local fishing industry, and 
- urging the Government to act to tackle the labour shortage in British agriculture and horticulture.

I’ll continue to meet regularly with local food and drink producers, conservationists, and campaigners and put their questions directly to DEFRA ministers and civil servants.

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Our farmers & rural green spaces have been very let down & eroded over many years & I hope this moves higher up the priority list under a labour government 🤞🏼

#ReElectRosie🌹 #VoteRosie

#ReelectRosie 🌹 #VoteRosie

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